Saturday, July 6, 2013


Hey Everyone! Sorry for the delayed post but here are the updates :) 

Midterms for this quarter are officially done! I had two and they both went decently well. My Japanese class is still going great also. My grades have definitely been better this quarter as opposed to last so that is always good to know. I'm also down to 25 days left here. Crazy to think that I've been here since March and that this adventure is already coming to a close. Ultimately, I'm ready to be home though. This exchange has given me awesome opportunities, however there have been some really challenging aspects as well. It'll good to get home and relax :) 

Having said that, there is something I want to address. Recently, I've had a couple people who have been quite insincere in their interactions with me. If you are one of these people, please stop. I'm not a charity case. If you don't genuinely care about my well being, don't waste your time or effort. There are plenty of people who do care and those are the people I choose to spend my time on. 

That's all for now :) <3   

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