Saturday, June 1, 2013

First day of break was great! Unfortunately, the weather decided not to cooperate but that didn't stop Vanessa and I from having a good time. We started our day out with a delicious breakfast cooked by Vanessa that included pancakes and eggs. After that, we headed out into town to an onsen. For those of you who don't know, an onsen is a public bath that can either consist of a natural hot spring or heated spring water. Essentially, you walk in and get naked and shower. After showering, you can soak in the onsen for as long as you want. I warn you though, the water is SUPER hot! It felt really good though and it makes your skin super soft. After you soak, you wash off again. It was definitely weird at first being naked in front of everyone but you get used to it. (There is a separate bath for males and females :P) 

After the onsen, Vanessa and I headed out to a thrift store. It was awesome! They had so many great deals. I managed to find myself a really cute pair of lace overalls for $7! I can't wait to go back there. Next was lunch at Mos Burger. Something I've realized as I've gone out to restaurants here is that your food is NEVER cold. It is always scorching hot and fresh. I had a delicious fish sandwich and some fries.

 Afterwards, Vanessa and I wanted to find a bakery we had seen a couple times on the bus route. We walked in the rain until we found it and was it worth the walk! They had so many different sweets that I probably could have bought the entire bakery if I wanted. I decided to get a panda cake and some "healthy" pound cake. Both were extremely yummy and satisfying. Next, we were on the search for a store that sells American food products like taco supplies, cheddar cheese, etc. We walked again and managed to find it. I thought about buying supplies to make tacos but ended up not getting them because I couldn't find queso or chips :(. '

We ended the day by going to Mister Donut and each getting a donut. I really enjoy their original donut. It has a crisp edge with a soft inside. Delicious :) Tomorrow, the weather doesn't look to improve so Vanessa and I are likely going to have a movie day inside. Looking forward to it! :) <3

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