Monday, June 3, 2013

Today was a lot of fun. Vanessa and I went to Oita for the day. We headed out around 1 after eating some lunch. When we got to Oita, we shopped around a bit. We visited the Sanrio store and saw lots of great Hello Kitty stuff. After that, we headed over to Park Place. Unfortunately, I was not nearly as impressed with Park Place as I thought I would be. A lot of the stores were really pricey and all I could really afford was the Daiso (100 Yen store). I did go into a pet store though and see some super super cute puppies. That was a really fun :). Tomorrow, plans have not yet been decided. I don't think I'll be able to make it out to Fukuoka but I hope to find something fun to do around Beppu. :) 

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