Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Pretty boring day today. I unfortunately missed the Wind Orchestra rehearsal so I'll have to try and go on Thursday :(. Other than that, I sat through some typical orientation stuff and chilled around my place. I managed to work a copy machine and a washing machine today which were in Japanese so that was kinda neat. 

I still have no updates on my classes. I'll likely be emailing/harassing advisers starting tomorrow to figure out what I'm going to do. I've also been thinking about changing up my hair. Right now, it's pretty dull :/ and in my opinion doesn't look good. I'll probably experiment with some temp stuff but nothing too crazy lol :P I'm also contacting sports groups to try and get more exercise. I'll keep you updated on how that goes! 

Anyway, feel free to Skype or Facebook me :) I still get lonely on occasions <3

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